Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
I feel completely out of the baseball loop right now. No, seriously... I know you knew that, but it's worth a mention. It's like a Gigi/Zia face-off. :p I'm going tonight, possibly tomorrow as well, if I can convince my cousin or anyone else to call in sick. It's at noon tomorrow, I think. Which means a tan for Zia. You know what though... I'm kinda torn!! I rooted for your guys last year after the Dodgers got knocked out, so I feel like I'm an honorary Astros fan. Not enough to actually root for them at the game and risk getting beat up, though. I'll just be wishing they could both win. The Dodgers are on a hell of a streak though! <---- There ya go, I probably just jinxed it. You're welcome. :p