Sunday's Scores & Monday's Probables & Standings
DB  1610 Min (34) 61  1671  Tor  Halladay  4-1  3.73
TM  1602 Min (34) 49  1651  Tor           
PL  1568 Min (34) 54  1622  ChC  Maddux    5-1  2.35
CC^ 1540 Min (34) 80  1620  ChC
JL  1562 CWS (24) 53  1615  ChC   
GG  1543 Det (04) 24  1567  Hou  Oswalt    5-2  2.86  
JG  1513 CWS (24) 46  1559  Hou
DC  1508 Det (04) 26  1534  Hou  
SC  1265 Min (34) 66  1331  Hou
LZ  1153 Bos (18) 41  1194  Bos  DNP today 
Interesting how the first two in the standings have Toronto, the next three have the Cubs, and the next four have Houston.

Kind of a nice symetry there, dontcha' think?

"Difficult....not impossible"