So your strategy changed in one week, now that we’re out of April?
Maybe it did. Maybe I changed my strategy once the first month of the season went by and I did not move up in the standing that much. But whatever my reasons, they are MY reasons and in no way should I have to be made to feel that I have to explain all of my moves to you when playing a game that is supposed to be played for both enjoyment and fun.

Tell you what, if you were paying me $2 Mil a season to mangage the team, then yes, I would be more than happy to expalin my strategies or reasons for doing things the way that I do to you. But until then, I wish to play this game for what it is, a game to be enjoyed and have some fun with. So until you write me that check, I will continue to do things as I see fit without having to explain myself to you, ok Mr. Steinbrenner? :p

If you sit down with your kids to play Monopoly, do you play the game any differently because you are playing for “fun”?
Absolutely. If I sit down with my kids to play a game I do so with the intent to enjoy the game and more importantly to enjoy the company and the time that I am spending with my kids. To win is not important to me, to enjoy their company and time and to have fun is what's important to me.

Don’t you employ the same strategies that you would if you were playing someone else for money?
Of course not. If I am playing with my kids or really anybody who is a friend for that matter, it is not so important for me to prove to anyone that I am the best. So I would not try to beat up on them or comment on every move that they may make. Those kinds of strategies when playing a game for fun, with family and friends, and especially with your children, are not needed because it takes the fun out of playing with them and only serves to either fuel a selfish ego, or to pamper one's own insecurities.

Now of course if I am playing a game for money, my approach, attitude, strategies and moves are going to be more calculative and strategic. But your talking money here, and not talking about spending time with friends and family to do something for the sheer enjoyment of having fun spending time playing something that you all enjoy doing together.

Don’t you play to win, whether you’re playing for money or not?
Of course we all play to win when playing a game. But I also prioritize the time I may spend and the energies that I may use playing that game based on if other things that are going on in my life at the time are more important to me than winning what is just a game. Hey, should I tell my family that we can't go on a cruise for 2 weeks because I need to win at fantasy baseball and may not be able to get on the internet while on a ship, just because I am playing to win in the league? I don't think so.

Isn’t it the same with any game you might play?
Well for me, no, not really. If my daughter's softball team, which I coach, loses because one of the kids forgot that there was only one out and got doubled off of third and the game ended because of it and we lost, I am not going to sit her down the next game so that we have a better chance of winning. No way. That to me, would be trying to win at the cost of a kid's confidence. So the answer is no, it is not the same with any game that I might play.

Yes, I love to win, like anyone else, but it is not a top priority to me no matter what game I am playing or managing (speaking non monetarily here). It's the fun, the learning experience, and as I said above, the enjoyment of having fun with friends.

Finally, please don't be insulted with me kidding you about not wanting to play this game for money against me. I know exactly why you won't: For exactly the same reason why I wouldn't bet on hockey against you.
Touche on the reasons for not betting.
And I wasn't insulted at all by that.

I decided to play, after your invitation, in these games because I thought that it would be nice, and be fun to play in a game that others here, who I consider friends, are also palying in.

Maybe I decided to play for all the wrong reasons.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.