I focking knew there was something wrong with St. Louis and Carpenter yesterday after no one picked them, but I'll be damned, because I still can't figure out what.

Thursday's Scores & Friday's Probables & Standings
TM  1493 CWS (26)  51  1544  Bos  Schilling  5-1  2.88    
DB  1463 CWS (26)  56  1519  Ari  Webb       4-2  2.22
CC  1450 StL (11)  32  1482  Bos 
GG^ 1419 CWS (26)  62  1481  Hou  Buchholz   3-0  1.71
PL  1440 StL (11)  33  1473  Bos
JL  1368 NYM (40)  76  1444  Bos  
DC  1357 NYM (40)  80  1437  Tor  Chacin     4-1  4.70
JG  1332 NYM (40)  76  1408  Det  Rogers     4-2  2.59
SC  1151 NYY (10)  44  1195  Bos 
LZ  1025 Bos (13)  38  1063  Bos 
Fueled by the Mets 40, it was a great day yesterday for DC, JL, and JG.

But some potential bites in the ass today, with DC again going with the dubious Chacin, and GG taking Buchholz at Colorado....

"Difficult....not impossible"