Santana and Minnesota 26, Boston and Beckett -21

Thursday's Scores & Fridday's Probables & Standings
TM  1164 Min (26)  47  1211  NYM  Martinez  4-0  3.54
PL  1147 Min (26)  46  1193  StL  Marquis   3-1  3.55
DB^ 1126 Min (26)  56  1182  NYM
CC  1147 Bos (-21)  5  1152  ChC  Maddux    4-0  0.99
GG  1143 Bos (-21) -4  1139  Hou  Oswalt    4-1  2.48 
JL^ 1055 Min (26)  45  1100  NYM
DC  1068 Bos (-21)  0  1068  NYM
JG  1068 Bos (-21) -4  1064  ChC
SC   870 Bos (-21)  6   876  NYM
LZ   850 Bos (-21)  5   855  Bos   
TM....Extends 1st place lead by one point
PL.....Feeling the hot breath of his former(?) MWA
DB....Appears to still be in form despite lasy year's partial layoff
CC....Still in the thick of things and leads chick race
GG....Boston's Beautiful Bum Bad Boy Beckett Bombed By Broussard
JL.....Hard to root for Santana when PL has him in Yahoo?
DC....After 2 days of soloing, follows the masses and bombs
JG....Knows when to use "who" and when to use "whom"
SC....He has an excuse - He's a Red Sox fan.
LZ....She has an excuse, too - She didn't play

"Difficult....not impossible"