Sheesh....what did you do, buy a case of tissues?

Anytime I say something, you interpret it as crying or whining.

And as far as goofing or not goofing goes, I think you're the one that needs the chill pill.

Let's see now, just FYI......
Originally posted by plawrence:
Well gee....

You didn't have to embarrass me by pointing out that out, did you?
Said in pure jest.

Certainly not a "whine", so why the crying baby picture?

Hell, if I could pick a winning or losing pitching staff every day, I could make a fortune betting on baseball games.
Said by way of poining out that, in fact, I don't know everything, so in effect I'm really goofing on myself.

I don't see where the box of tissues come in to play here.

Chacin wasn't a bad pick, it was just -as I said - "questionable", given the pitchers who were going yesterday who are clearly much better than he is.

And the fact is, it was a questionable pick, unless you knew something that probably 99% of the people playing this game didn't know.
Statement of fact in the spirit of seriously discussing the game.

If you think that Chacin is a better pitcher than Schilling, Peavy, or Willis......


If you do have some special inside knowledge that will help your future questionable picks work out like this one did, I guess we can expect to start watching your inevitable rise in the standings, from 8th place in our league - ahead of only someone who isn't playing and someone else who started three days late - and from 4020th place in the standings against everyone in the world who is playing.
Strictly goofing on you, breaking your balls, or whatever you want to call it, based on your performance in the game so far.

Lighten up and get a sense of humor. You take things waaaay too personal.

We kid each other all the time in these game threads when someone is doing poorly, and the usual response is to kid the person back about how lousy he is doing.

I think you're the one that needs the chill pill here.

Of course, there's always the possibility that your Chacin pick was the result of what in these games we call "going unpredicatable", a situation in which someone is so far behind that they feel the only way to make up ground is by making picks that they know no one else will be making (like Chacin), and hoping that they get lucky and have a good day (which Chacin did), while everyone else's "better" picks have a bad day (like Schilling, Peavy, and Willis did).
Honest analysis again. What I suggested above is a legitimate strategy move which we've talked about here many times.

Oh.....and please, please, PLEASE don't fall back on "I take this too seriously" and you have better things to do with your time than worry about a fantasy game.

That's starting to sound waaay too much like FS. :p

Sure, I take it seriously, but no more so than JG or DB or JL does, or DM did when he played.

We've discussed this before and we all spend roughly the same amount of time every day maybe, maybe 5-10 minutes or so, doing our "research" and picking our teams, and I think that among the five of us we all have the same desire to win.

"Difficult....not impossible"