We're only three weeks into the season, but I'm pretty sure we've never had five people so tightly bunched in 1st thru 5th this late, with only 26 points separating them, and four people between 2nd and 5th only 6 points apart.

(Once again, and for the future, the pitcher's W-L record in parentheses is his team's record in games he has started, not the pitcher's indivudual W-L mark)

Monday's Scores & Tuesday's Probables & Standings
 PL 1042 Ari (29) 49  1091  Bos  Schilling  4-0  1.61 
TM  1030 ChC (28) 40  1070  SaD  Peavy      1-3  4.32
GG^ 1013 StL (22) 54  1067  Bos
CC^ 1009 ChC (28) 56  1065  SaD 
DB  1017 ChC (28) 47  1064  SaD
JG   973 NYM (00) 25   998  Bos 
JL   930 Ari (29) 56   986  Fla  Willis     1-3  2.92
DC   940 NYM (00) 24   964  Tor  Chacin (?) 3-0  5.61
SC   795 Hou (05) 14   809  Bos
LZ   748 Hou (05) 23   771  Hou  Nieve      0-1  4.91  (DNP) 
PL is plodding along as he tries to prove last year was a fluke.... TM still (suprisingly) hasn't missed any days.... GG's "steal" of Carpenter didn't work out, but she remains scorching hot.... CC climbed back to 4th with day's high score.... DB was only 9 points off day's high, yet he dropped two spots in this very tight race.... JG's "Curse of the Pork" strikes Tom Glavine.... JL tied for day's high, but still has a long way to go; Fortunately for him, there is.... DC's Chacin pick today is at least questionable.... SC is still fighting off his 3-day late start, but even if you give him an additional 120 points or so... .... and LZ just seems to not want to get into the game.

"Difficult....not impossible"