Nice job by JG and CC yesterday, going successfully against the grain and Pedro with both Chicago pitching staffs, and coming up with 37 and 33 points respectively.

Monday Scores & Tuesday's Probables & Standings
PL  703  NYM (27) 65  768  Hou  Oswalt      2-0   1.99
DB^ 686  NYM (27) 60  746  Hou  
TM^ 683  NYM (27) 63  746  CWS  Garland     1-1  13.94
CC  688  ChC (33) 50  738  NYY  R. Johnson  2-1   2.25 
JG  660  CWS (37) 68  728  Hou  
JL  651  NYM (27) 52  703  Sea  Hernandez   0-1   5.59
GG  616  MYM (27) 80  696  Hou
DC  612  NYM (27) 58  670  Hou
SC  517  NYM (27) 55  572  StL  Suppan      0-1   4.09
LZ  481  Cle (26) 66  547  Cle  J. Johnson  1-0   2.13

"Difficult....not impossible"