
I haven't had to say this in a long time (brings a lump to my throat, a tear to my eye, and a pain to my neck):

"Can we please get back to business here?" :p

Thank you.

Friday's Scores & Saturday's Probable Pitchers
DB ^ 223  Sea ( 03)  38   261  Hou  Oswalt   1-0  0.00
JG   240  Bos (-02)  16   256  Hou
CC ^ 209  Ari ( 12)  44   253  NYY  Big Unit 1-0  1.29
TM ^ 223  SaD (-08)  23   246  Hou
PL   206  Sea ( 03)  29   235  Hou
DC ^ 178  LAD ( 23)  49   227  Mil  Davis    0-0  3.00
JL   200  Sea ( 03)  19   219  Hou
GG   212  CWS (-20) -10   202  Hou
LZ   104  Cle ( 11)  53   157  Cle  Still DNPing, though 
SC    85  StL ( 02)  13   098  NYY  
Somehow CC's pick of Ortiz worked out OK; yesterday's other questionable pitching picks all bombed.

Hernandez was OK, except he only pitched 5 innings and gave up a bunch of walks. Then his bullpen gave away an extra 10 points or so at the end.

Meanwhile, the cream is rising, with DB taking over first, JG hanging in at second, and PL and JL closing the gap (Well, JL didn't really "close the gap" any yesterday - actually he dropped 2 points further out of first - but that sounded good, anyway).

CC and DC (our lone rookie this year) and TM (because he hasn't missed any days yet) continue to surprise; GG with negative pitching points 3 of the last 5 days is sinking like a stone; LZ doesn't want to play yet (still concentrating on her Fakers, so she says); and SC is singing the "My Baby Left Me Doing Poorly 'Cuz I Started Three Days Late" blues.

"Difficult....not impossible"