Originally posted by J Geoff:
BD better not be knockin' the band camp grrls!!
Pork - I am not knockin them, although I am continuing to try to knock them. Is that what you kids are calling it these days ? :p I like the outfits but the head things have to go.

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
I would like to say a "Hi, Hello, and How are ya?" to my pal BDD . Where you been, man? Your invite got lost in the mail? Are you the Vince Vaughn or the Owen Wilson? If I had to guess, you're the Vince Vaughn since Plaw is generally known as the sensitive one.
6 - SC - Wants to sing a duet with Zia.

SC: I know it's late. I know you're weary.
Zia: I know your plans... Don't include meeeeeee.
SC and Zia: Still here we are... Both of us lonely... Let's make it last babe. Why.. don't.. you.. stay?...

Plaw is very jealous.
yo YO - DB is in the Da House. Yes we all know how sensitive PL can be and jealous also. If SC gets to sing with Lezbo, PL will have a fit. We'll have our own male catfight going on.

PL - don't let the Lezbo age thing nor her comments about her dopey boyfriend scare you off. I've seen it a thousand times - he is simply a placeholder for her at this point in her life. Once she gets a view of the aire and sophistication that you bring to the table - she will melt - just like 'budder'. SC though - he could present more a challenge to you, I suggest you take him to a baseball game earlier in the day, after spending time in the ER he will be less of a threat to you.

So DB - you mention the wife to be is half way across the country, what area and is it full time ? In the meantime I'll continue to look for my invitation

As you were Peeps ...