Originally posted by plawrence:
Why don't you come up and see my spreadsheets some time?
Seems as if someone is suffering from spreadsheet envy

yo Yo YO - Big Daddy in Da House and giving a shout out to all my peeps and peepettes ...

You know PL, Gina told me in a PM that she believes DB has the better spreadsheet. Said something about the way he uses his macros and pivot tables really gets her going. :p She said he formats like no other.

So at least this fantasy game has some more action than the Fantasy Basketball one - I only see PL posting there. Looks like your playing with yourself in that one ? Not that there's anything wrong with that .... At least it is not as bad as the fantasy hockey game thread - there is like zero activity in that one.

And I see the DB is back in the game - no surprise, once a few 'chickies' got in the game you knew DB would not be far behind. He didn't get the nickname Chick Sandwich for nothing ... And speaking of DB - how are things in the Windy City ? Hope all is going well with the upcoming wedding and planning around that. Although it is early - PL and I still have not received our invitations yet but we are both planning on attending. As I mentioned in a previous thread - we are both looking forward to seeing you and your beautiful wife to be - begin your joyous journey through the rest of you lives together as both man and wife - but we also are looking forward to the reception where we plan to score some action. I understand PL is eyeing up Lezbo, you know that thing he has for 'young stuff'. Gina is probably too young for him - although I would imagine in her band outfit Pork will not be far behind. :p

But I am doing fine - thanks for asking :rolleyes: Very busy but like to check in when I can and add my ever mature and deep thought provoking words of wisdom. Hope everyone is behaving .... so until next time

As you were Peeps ....