Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
It's the thought of a drugged up Paula keeping me up.

Straight up now tell me...
Yikes... you know how at basketball games, during time-outs or halftime or whatever, they'll show little videoclips of the "dancers" talking about their favorite things? One of the Laker Girls sings that in her clip... it's very scary and not okay at all. Like she starts her answer with normal talking, like "and my favorite song is..." and then out of nowhere, she busts out singing "straight up.." and goes on for like 3 or 4 lines. Like a train wreck, kinda. It's pretty bad. Now I always think of her when I hear that song. I believe her name is Lindsey.... now I'll never forget it.

Speaking of Laker Girls, Paula used to be one too, back in the day. Wow, everything has a way of connecting to each other, doesn't it?