Im a Seattle native, and I can say that we lost the game with dropped passes and some bad coaching at the end. Keep in mind through this post, I said we lost it for our selves.


first of all, I think its ridiculous to have a 5 year offical as the head ref for the superbowl

As a Seahawks fan Ive seen us lose TWO regular season games in the last 3 years on COMPLETELY STUPID errors. Not judgement calls (pass interference, etc), but stupid errors. In the first, Baltimore was given a 4th timeout when we couldve taken a knee to win a big road game, cost us a first round bye week. That shouldve been remedied. On the second, Keyshawn Johnson had a Touchdown for a win when he had a foot out by about 10 inches, and we couldnt challenge, bc it was supposed to go to the booth. ALSO LETS NOT FORGET THAT VINNIE TESTAVERTE GETTING A TD WHEN HE WAS A FUCKING YARD SHORT WAS THE PLAY USED AS THE BIG ARGUEMENT FOR COACHES CHALLENGES IN GAMES. That shit kept us out of the playoffs that year, and cost Dennis Erickson his job.

I love instant replay, and with the exception of Polemalus pick in the Colts game, Ive never seen a HORRIBLE call after its been challenged, but I think SOMETHING needs to be changed

Penalties should be challangeable, and likewise you should be able to challenge obvious blunders. Also, not that we wouldve won last night, but the Steelers SHOULD NOT have gotten that fucking timeout that he called an obvious second off the clock. I dont wanna bitch about the judgement calls, but that was complete fucking ignorance to whats going on by the crew.
If these rules applied too, we also couldve challenged Hasselbecks interception 1) where he "blocked" someone beneath the shins on a tackle 2) and the OBVIOUS offsides on the Steelers on that play that wasnt called

It wont ruin the flow of the game to fucking let coaches challenge on other plays, because theyd still have the same number of challenges


Let the coach throw the flag more times (perhaps 5 or 7 times), and the booth can determine if the game is worth stopping to challenge it, then normal timeout/challenge rules apply.

The rules have gotten way too fucking complex, which isnt a problem, as long as you use equally complex technology to keep it in line. I think everyone agrees that challenges are a good thing, and there should be more of it when necessary