Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b]I think that 3 or 4 weeks ago you really didn't understand the concept of games-in-hand
Here you go again. Interminable.

3-4 weeks ago I figured what you had "in (your) hand" -- but I also said "one in the hand is worth two in the bush" (wow, the triple entendre! )

I will shut up, ...once you put up. Get outta 5th Place before you start yappin' about how you're gonna win it. :p [/b][/quote]Here you go again.....

Yappin' about how I'm in 5th place, when my position today is relatively meaningless.

When I'm out of fifth place I will have "put up"? :rolleyes:

Using raw points as a method for determining who is in the lead is not as meaningful as projected totals

And please don't "shut up" - keep going.

It'll be more fun in the end when I have some more of your silly statments to cite (Wow - alliteration :p ).

And let's clear up just one more thing:

I never said I was gonna win this thing.

I've been projecting JL as the likely winner for quite a while.

All I'm saying here - and all I ever said - was that your huge lead was relatively meaningless, all things considered, and that if you felt that it had any more than a tiny bit of predictive value for how we would end up, you were being illogical, and, that in fact, we were actually so close in reality that I was willing to bet on myself to beat you.

I also truly believe that when we started these discussions you didn't have a complete understanding of the fact that if I have 20 starts in hand I probably have a 50-60% chance of earning around 250 points with them, and while it's true that I also have maybe a 15% chance of falling way short of 250, I have the same chance of greatly exceeding it.

Either that or you're deliberately breaking my balls all this time, which is fine since I enjoy doing some ball-breaking myself now and then, but if that's the case then I have the right to break them back in any manner that I see fit. :p

So take that. :p

Meanwhile, I do notice that you've recently been backing off slightly, as you watch your lead evaporate in exactly the manner in which I expected it to, even, AAMOF, a little bit more quickly.


When does PL's catch-up begin? Talking about it for weeks and still 400 pts back

"Difficult....not impossible"