Finl "Projection Prediction" of the Season

Obviously, as we get closer to the finish, it becomes easier to make a prediction with respect to the final standings.

I mean, with a day or two to go in the season, I oughta be able to predict the exact order of finish, right?

So, with about a quarter of the season to go, and barring any more really major injuries, before any projection predictions become meaningless....

I see JL finishing first by about 200 points - maybe a little more, maybe a little less.

The race for second is between JG, DB, and myself.

I figure that no more tan 100 points will separate the three of us at the end, which really makes it too close to call.

But, since this is a "Projection Prediction", I'm gonna go with myself for second (gotta have confidence, right?), JG for third, and DB for fourth.

But, as I say, it's very close between the three of us as I see it, and that order could not only be easily reversed, but the difference in points between second, third, and fourth could wind up being miniscule - certainly a lot closer than 100 points between the three of us.

As for TM, I don't see him escaping fifth place.

He has fewer starts (25) remaining than anyone else except JG (23), who he trails by 184 points, and he's only 87 points ahead of me and I have 16 nore starts remaining thn he does.

TM trails DB by 78, but DB has 8 more starts remaining than TM does, plus a superior offense.

So, remember where you heard it first....

JL, PL, JG, DB, and that order.

"Difficult....not impossible"