Originally posted by J Geoff:
you've used 111 starts, leaving you with 52 with 59 days to go. That's almost a start per day among your 7 SPs. Technically, sure, you can reach the 52 starts. But you may need to take some unfavorable matchups to make up those games.
Without going into detail, I've checkd ahead and I'm completely confident that I will make it to 162 without any prblem and without any "unfavorable matchups".

Believe me, there is absolutley no chance whatsoever that I will have to deliberately fall short of 162 in order to avoid games in which I'm afraid of getting negative points.

After all I showed you in the past during the basketball season about how I manage that aspect of this kind of game, do you really have any doubts?

I will say this, though....

I'm very pleased that you've finally decided to stop breaking balls, acknowledged the fact that games in hand have value, admitted, in effect that you don't really have a

Originally posted by Just Lou:
It's close between me and DB, but it's not close between me and you, JG, or TM. That's not insulting them, it's just the truth.
JG is running out of SP. TM missed too many games played. And you've now fallen 500 points behind me.
It really depends on your definition of "Close".

I can't speak for the others, only myself.

And all I'm saying is that it's "closer than you think".

Right now, I figure that adjusting for everything, you have about a 250 point lead on me.

That's closer than youthink 'cuz it's a lot closer than 500, and it's close enough so that if I get hot and you get cold in some combination i can still catch you.

Of course, if I get cold and you get hot, it could go the other way and you could beat me by 700-800.

Or, lemme put it another way:

Suppose you were an oddsmaker here, JL.

How much of an underdog to you make me?

If we were gonna bet, what odds would you give me?

I wouldn't take only 2-1, for example; I think I'm a bigger 'dog than that, but what is 2-1 really?

It still gives me a 1/3 chance of winning -- that's pretty significant, I think.

"Difficult....not impossible"