Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b]Seems to me that prior to yesterday I had made up more than 100 points on you in less than a week.
Oh... we're now using Raw Points as a valid indicator? [/b][/quote]

I could've seen what the difference in the projection was, but I didn't have one handy for "less than a week ago".

During that time span, though, the number of starts in hand that I had decreased a bit, and as a result I got closer in raw points.

Why am I letting him suck me into this conversation yet again when he knows good and god damn well what's happening here?).

Of course raw points is what matters, but it only matters at the end, when the game is over.

At this point, AS YOU WELL KNOW BUT REFUSE TO ADMIT BECAUSE APPARENTLY YOU LIKE TO BREAK MY BALLS, the raw points total is relative to games played.

( Calling Dr. Moe....Calling Dr. larry....Calling Dr. Curley....Someone please come and examine my head for engaging in this conversation, and let me know if there's anything there....)

What it comes down to (for the umpteenth friggin' time), is this (If you would be so kind as to answer the question):

All other things being equal,

Would you rather have a 200 point lead in raw points against a player with 25 starts in hand and an average of about 12.5 FPs per start or

Would you rather be trailing by 200 points, but have 25 starts in hand (with an average of 12.5 FPs per start) against the guy you're trailing?

"Difficult....not impossible"