Originally posted by Tony Mosrite:
I believe I improved my team with this trade. I don't know if I improved JL's even more
Yes, you improved your team.

But I believe JL improved his even more for the reason I stated:

Because he has so many SPs, and so few starts left, he can hit the 162 without Johnson and, IMO, without any significant drop-off in the expectancy of what he will score from his SPs.

So the net gain for him is whatever he will get from Dye instead of whoever else he was using in RF.

With about 60 games to go, and figuring Dye to be worth .75 FPPG above whoever else he was using there, I figure that the addition of Dye was worth about 40-45 points to him.

I don't think you gain as much by adding Johnson.

As far as projections go, you're right about relief pitching, and I've been saying that all along.

That's the most difficult category to predict because of some of the huge minus days involved that are unpredictable.

"Difficult....not impossible"