Disreagrd the above.

Talk to me all you want. I'm over it.

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] I'm a little disappointed....

All that work analyzing the trade, and no comments from the traders.

I didn't expect one from JG, of course, once he realized that not only did he get the worst of the deal that he did make, but that he traded with the wrong guy.

And I figure DB has nothng to say, since he probably agrees with me.

Never mind.
WTF are you talking about? What do you call the post I made before your "analysis"?

I thoroughly analyzed it before I did it for 2 days -- why do I need to share it with you? If I thought I was getting a bad deal, then I wouldn't have done it. Talk about silly. :p [/b][/quote]That sounds a bit hostile there….. “why do I need to share it with you?”

Of course you don’t. I'm just trying to get some conversation going.

Of course I know that you analyzed it, and of course I know that you figured you got the better of the deal or you wouldn't have made it.

But your comments were made before mine, and I was wondering what your response was to my comments.

How you figured Howard was better than Dunn., when Dunn has outscored him for the season 434 - 100, about .3 FPPG.

And if you’re from the “What have you done for me lately” school, Dunn outscored Howard last month 121 – 89, about one full point per game.

And you tell me it’s because Howard’s batting average is higher.

I bet Dunn’s on base percentage is higher, and possibly his slugging percentage also, which is more important in this game.

Plus, Dunn plays two positions, which may not be a necessity for you, but it’s certainly a help.

And most importantly, if DB is closer to you in the standings than I am, why you would rather trade with him and give him the opportunity to improve his team – which he clearly does and I think you’d agree – than trade with me and give me the chance to improve my team?

And I know that you didn’t weaken yourself much by trading Zambrano with only 33 starts left and that the net balance improved your team.

I said that somewhere.

Now, if you want to tell me that you just have a feeling that Howard is gonna do better than Dunn over the next two months and you went with your gut, I can’t argue with that,even though it’s was probably worth sacrificing a few points to trade with me instead of DB since DB is so much closer to you.

But going strictly by the numbers - any way that I slice them - I really don’t understand how you figure Howard is better than Dunn.

"Difficult....not impossible"