Originally posted by plawrence:
I think I showed pretty conclusively that you get the best of the (Youklis and Smoltz for Dunn) deal, JL.
Originally posted by Just Lou:
I offered you a pitcher that has not lost a game since I traded for him 6 weeks ago. I also offered you Youklis, who has 356 points. Depsite the fact you have nobody close to Youklis on your roster to play 3B with nearly as many points, you called him "useless to you". You then said you'd rather have Wang and Maine instead of Smotlz. If you think you're going to catch me with your current roster, good luck. You had a chance to weaken me at two positions, most importantly pitching, and didn't go for it. :p
First of all, saying that I "have nobody close to Youklis on (my) roster to play 3B with nearly as many points" is just plain wrong.

If I put Feliz and his 322 points at 3B, the difference is less than half a point a game.

With 60 games left, that 30 point difference isn’t much.

Second of all, by taking him off your roster I don’t see how I weaken you at that position.

The guy has 5 at bats for you the whole season, so you can just replace him with another guy you’re not gonna use.

As far as pitching goes, here’s where we run into the problem of “Method of Evaluation”

If we do it the way you did it and have Smoltz rate higher, or my way and have him rank lower, the fact is that by removing him from your rotation and dividing his starts up among those who remain does not figure to cost you many, if any, points.

As far as “rather having Wang and Maine instead of Smotlz’, you kinda took things out of context there.

It sounds like I’d just rather have Maine and Wang instead of Smoltz.

How about “ I’d rather have Wang and Maine and Dunn and Feliz instead of Smotlz and Youkliss”?

Makes a bit of a difference there, I think.

But you know what’s really funny?

How your analysis sounds so plausible to you and how I get the best of the deal, and my alanlysis sounds to plausible to me, with how {b]I[/b] get the best of it.

That’s why all of this analysis is a waste of time.

As far as "If you think you're going to catch me with your current roster, good luckgoes".....

You can agree or disagree with my last projection, and that does not include the trade for Dye in which you improved by 30 points or so, but I think you have to agree that the race is obviously a lot closer than the raw point totals would indicate.

The question is "How much closer?"

If it's real close, there are an awful lot of scenarios in which not that much has to happen for me to win.

"Difficult....not impossible"