Originally posted by J Geoff:
I don't think many people will get 162 games from their catchers. In fact, I think next year we might want to consider having 2 catchers.
If you have the right catchers, make sure their off-days are opposite each other for the most part, and are able to figure out how they get used (platooning, night games after day games, etc.), it's still difficult, but not that hard.

Or, because catcher is such a weak offensive position, you can go without a back-up, sacrifice the 30 games or so, and hope that you gain mpre points by carrying another player a a different position.

I don't expect to miss by much - 6 or 7 games maybe, at most - and I wouldn't go with two catchers next year.

Using your catcher(s) is one of the games strategy elements, and removing it just dumbs things down.

......I don't think many people will get 162 games from their catchers.

That's all the more reason not to go with two catchers next year.

Those managers who are able to strategize it correctly deserve the benefit of doing so.

"Difficult....not impossible"