I always agreed with you on that for FAs, but they don't give you any other option.

If I pick up a FA right now, why shouldn't he be allowed to play for me tonite?

And the same thing should apply to guys coming off the DL as well.

That wasn't a whne, BTW, IMO.

It was a legitimate complaint about the way the game is set up.

A whine is like "So and so scored 15 points and I had him on the bench" or "They took out my starter when he was up 3-1 in the 8th, and the bullpen cost me the 7 points for the win (or, in the Salary Cap game "I had 17 points in pitching and was expecting to wind up in the high 20's when they took him out, and the bullpen blew the whole game and I wound up with 8 points for the day")

"Difficult....not impossible"