Well, I do have 25 pitching starts in hand with JG - that oughta be worth at least 200-250 points or so - and an offensive average of .29 per game higher than JG - so with about 600 games to go, that ought be worth about 180 points or so....

You guys want to count me out with a third of the season to go because I happen tp trail by a few hundred points, that's fine with me....

Lull you into a false sense of security, maybe?

If I could just get my frakin' bullshitpen straightened out.... :rolleyes:

As far as trades go, you guys keep looking at stuff like "Well, the guy you want has scored more points than the guy you want to give me", without regard to how the trade will affect your total points.

I keep saying this in one form or another, but I'll say it again:

If there is a net gain - based on the player's FPPG averages - that you can expect by replacing the player you trade away with someone from your bench and replacing a guy that you're using with a player that you're acquiring, then it doesn't matter if the player you are acquiring has scored fewer points during the course of the season than the guy you are giving up....


If because of position limitations the guy you are trading away doesn't get to hardly play at all, and you can trade him away for a guy who improves you even moderately at another position, that's a deal worth making, even if the guy you trade away has scored more points over the course of the season than the guy you're getting in return.

Here JG….

I’m sending you a trade offer that improves your team by more than you’re giving up, and I bet you don’t accept it.

"Difficult....not impossible"