Originally posted by Just Lou:
You're still almost 300 points back, so you don't have my attention yet.

....And you have my final offer for Carpenter.

Don't make me start with anothe discussion about the valuelessness of the raw point totals.

I have, I think, about 10 pitching starts and 40 odd offensive games in hand compared to you.

You want to think that that you have a 300 point lead on me, go right ahead.

Maybe it will lull you into a false sense of security.

(Didn't I say that somewhere else to someone else already?)

As far as Carpenter goes, I think if you hade made me that offer yesterday I would've accepted it.

It's actually a fair trade for a change, and one I had to take seriously.

Capuano showed me what he can do tonite. If tonite's start was crap, you might've rescinded the offer, but if his next start is crap I'd probably be willling to do it but you wouldn't.

More importantly, though, the way I figure it is I lose more points by replacing Dunn at 1B with Johnson or in LF with Burrell than I would gain by replacing Capuano with Carpenter.

And since I've been using Feliz at 3B, I don't see much of a difference between him and Atkins.

"Difficult....not impossible"