Originally posted by plawrence:
during the period a player was on [b]either streak, he was no more or less likely to do better or worse in his next game or series of games than if he wasn't on such a streak.[/b]
Well, that's pretty obvious -- but what's that have to do with PER MONTH or 1st or 2nd HALF stats?

Originally posted by plawrence:
As far as a player's performance from year to year during the various months of a season go, I still say that...
You said it: YOU still say... What's your guru say? :p

Originally posted by plawrence:
Not to mention the fact that you are [b]way over-rating the importance of a twenty point difference in batting average.[/b]
I used theoretical numbers, but in my real argument I thought I was talking about ERA, not BA... I would think that pitchers are obviously more suseptible to weather than batters...

Originally posted by plawrence:
in comparing Jones July batting average to the other months, you failed to look at extra base hits and slugging percentage.
You're right, I think I did. I failed to see how many HRs or XBHs he had while batting .231 rather than .284... My bad.

Originally posted by plawrence:
I'm not sure where you got your figures from.
It's a site called "Yahoo.com" -- where we play the game.

Originally posted by plawrence:
(Is there another site that goes further back with the splits than 2002? You don't have to tell me which site it is, just if there is one or not)
It's a site called "Yahoo.com" -- where we play the game. They go back to the mid/late 80s. I figured you'd've know that...

Originally posted by plawrence:
You wanna talk about the heat in July or whatever, maybe it plays a small part in the equation, but I doubt if it means very much.
As I said, it's just a trend. And while trend may usually mean more to pitchers, why the hell not batters as well? If year after year after year after year a batter does poorly in July, then hey, MAYBE I just may take a crazy guess and say he might not do as well next July as he did in June. What is so crazy about that??

Originally posted by plawrence:
Even if you want to say that part of his .272 lifetime average is because of his .261 average in July, if we subtract his July numbers from his total.
Isn't that called "crafty finagling"? :p "If we do this" to the numbers... "If we do that" to the numbers... WTF? THE NUMBERS ARE THE NUMBERS. Take them or leave them. Apparently, of all people I'm shocked that you'd rather disregard the stats!!

Originally posted by plawrence:
If you want to talk about our relative abilities or past performances in fantasy baseball, be my guest.
I was actually just talking about the here and now. Me battling between 1st and 2nd, and you mired in 5th...

Originally posted by plawrence:
it was you who said that the Yahoo game was all a matter of "luck and crafty finagling" or something, and that the Salary Cap Game was the real test of skill.

Um, who's doing better in that game between the two of us?
And you're right, I did say that! And I should point out, you said the OPPOSITE. And when I said that, I had a miserable team doing miserable things, and got f'd out of most of the players I wanted to draft and all that -- IT WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON when I said that. And of course it was tongue(on rye)-in-cheek! I actually enjoy the draft game more than the salary cap game -- not cuz I'm doing better in it, but cuz I like the fact that one 1 of us can have any particular player at any one time.

But don't get me wrong - I like the other game, and THEORETICALLY it should be a matter of skill because anyone can pick "the perfect" daily lineup. None of us do, but hey. And as much as I think I know the game, it only proves to be -- for the most part -- a matter of luck anyway. Granted, skill increases your luck somewhat... but still. (And at the same time, you can say the same thing about the draft game -- your SP gets 40 pts and it's "skill" but he gets -20 and it's "bad luck"... NO... it's just BASEBALL!)

Originally posted by plawrence:
If you want to delude yourself into thinking that you are ahead of me in that game, feel free.
What's that line from Goodfellas? "Fuck you, pay me!" I think you can just show me... and I know how you plan on doing it, if I'm following accurately -- buy building an All-Star pitching staff at the expense of your offense. If you think that will win it, then good luck. Balance, my friend!

Originally posted by plawrence:
according to my projections I will pass you.
Well, you use that fancy math, now don't you?

Originally posted by plawrence:
If you want me to post the relatively meaningless raw Yahoo point totals every day so we have a permanent record of how the season progressed, I'd be happy to.
FINALLY! And is that true in the other game, too??

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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