guys, i just watched the bonus dvd this weekend. i rented just the bonus dvd (which i didn't think possible). anyway, a couple scenes i can understand why they'd cut it....but a few of them...i was like....what the hell were they thinking!!!!!!!
i thought the whole sonny's reaction thing....when he gets the call at his place his father has been shot, tells his mom, calls luca....important information. also, under "michael gets involved"....ridiculous. why did they cut that....when he says "he's my father too" and "it can't be clemenza" or something like that. fannuci's attack needed to be in there, because that scene made me understand why he killed fannuci more easily.
basically there were a lot of scenes that should be have been in there. ridiculous. i actually liked the alternate beginning to godfather three better than the actual beginning. that's just me, though....reminded me just of godfather part I....which was neat.
oh, why did they cut the scene where he says it's okay for his niece to get married...that was a good scene. or genco's death, or fabrizio's. ridiculous. anywhoo...i've ranted now. i guess the godfather dvd collection is a must.

if wishes were horses, beggars would ride