That was back when Sanchez was good, though.

As far as trading goes....

There are two POVs that you have to look at:

That of the person making the offer, and that of the person to whom the offer is being made.

If I'm making someone an offer, obviously I feel that I'm getting the better of the deal, so it's perfectly understandable why I - or in theis case you, since you're making the offer - would not want anyone else to know what the potential deal is.

If I think I'm getting the best of it, of course I'd be afraid that someone will offer the guy I want to trade with more for the player(s) I want to acquire.

Every trade Ive ever made in any one of these games has been one in which I made the initial offer.

In every one of them I thought that I was getting the best of the deal, so I never solicited a better offer for the player(s) I was trading away.

In this case, I'd guess that you probably are looking to make a deal here and trade someone not because you want to necessarily get rid of that particular guy, but because there's a guy that JG has that you want.

But from JG's POV....

Seemingly he is somewhat willing to make the deal, because he didn't reject it.

But he's not the one who proposed it, and obviously he has doubts.

He probably wasn't thinking of trading the guy until you came along with an offer, so wouldn't he be foolish not to find out if someone is willing to make a better offer?

That logic doesn't apply to you seeing if I'd make a better offer for the guy you want to trade, because I'd guess that I don't have anyone you'd be interested in trading for.

If I did, you would have offered a deal to me.

That, I think is the difference, and that's why JG should find out if he can get more than what you are offering.

You made the offer, you must think you're getting the best of the deal, and that should make JG stop and think and see if he could do better.

As I said, if I owned a real team and my GM was accepting offers without finding out if he could get a better offer elsewhere, he's not doing his job.

If he's the one making the offers, though, it's a totally different story, because if I think he knows what he's doing, he's not making any offers in which he's not getting the best of the deal.

It's got nothing to do with it being "none of my business" or "begging JG not to trade with you."

It's the way I believe that it works in the real world, unless the GM is a fool.

That's why I wonder about the Kazmir-Zambrano trade.

I'd wonder who proposed it.

If it was Tampa Bay, I'd bet anything that the Mets GM didn't go around to other teams to see if he could get more, because if he had I'm sure he could have gotten more.

And if it was the Mets offering the deal to TB, they must have thought Zambrano was better, so I could understand that they'd be afraid that another team might've offered TB more than Kazmir.

But the GM should have been shot anyway, because my at-the-time 15-year old knew that he Mets were getting the worst of it.

"Difficult....not impossible"