The formula I use for making the projections is:

(OFPPG x 1458) + (SFPPG x 162) + (RPFP/Days Gone x 183)

Note: The last category, RPFP, is the total points by RPs divided by the number of days gone in the season, times 183 - the total number of days in the season.

The problem with the projections is that it is based to some extent on the performances of players who are no longer with our team, but have been replaced by better players through trades and free agent and waiver moves.

For example, DB's average FPPG for his SPs is 5.91

I certainly think that he'll do considerably better than that during the rest of the season.

A more accurate way to do it would be to take the FPPG averages of players currently on everyone's roster and project their points the rest of the way, and then add that projection to everyone's total up to this point.

Also, the RP category is hard to figure.

FPPG is relatively meaningless, since there is no limit on the number of games, so someone can get a lot more points with a lower FPPG average than someone else with a higher average if they have more appearances (see PL and TM).

The last prediction I made, I believe I had TM as the winner, followed by JL, DB, PL, and JG.

"Difficult....not impossible"