And yours are any better?

I forgot...who was it you wanted to steal from me for Sidney Ponson, who you wound up dropping anyway?

Sanchez, was it? :rolleyes:

And don't blame me for the Capuano-Biggio deal.

I asked the guy who he'd want for Capuano...Biggio even up was his idea, not mine.

Ask him if you don't believe me.

I also made some very fair offers to JG for Schmidt - ask him if you don't believe me.

I believe I offered him Adam Dunn, Uggla, and a starter - Haren, I think. That's not a fair deal?

Given Schmidt's history of late-season breakdowns, I still think he should have taken that one.

I never try to take advantage of anyone in a trade. I always offer deals that I think can help both teams.

And besides, it never hurts to ask, does it?

"Difficult....not impossible"