Monday Scores

We somehow managed to follow up Sunday's worst scoring day ever pitching, with our second worst day ever yesterday.

8 starts, -40 points, bringing our overall average down to 8.11 FPPG, the lowest it's been since May 11th.

      OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
DB     9    46      0     0      1     4       50
DA     8    33      0     0      2    15       48
JG     9    14      2     8      1    12       34
JL     9    24      1    15      2    -5       34
PL     8    20      2     8      3    -6       22
CC     7    16      0     0      1     1       17
TM     8    30      0     0      2   -15       15
LZ     8    21      1   -27      1     5       -1
DJ     9    35      2   -44      1     5       -4
Current Standings
     OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
JG   448  1431     58   647    102   306     2384
JL   460  1644     62   375    112   288     2307
TM   413  1510     61   581     96   183     2274
PL   441  1603     58   477    114   186     2266
DB   438  1802     53   184    113   240     2226
DA   385  1441     48   514     89   165     2120
DJ   419  1435     57   557     41   113     2105
CC   430  1477     72   398     94    87     1962
LZ   403  1343     38   401     58   114     1858
Monday's Best & Worst

Davis DJ -28
Lee LZ -27

Valverde PL -21

"Difficult....not impossible"