I dunno....the individusl dcored for each guy are correct, I believe.

The total of 10 is wrong. Should be 3.

[whine alert]
Friggin' Valverde....Back to back Blown Save/Loss. -18 yesterday, -21 today.
[/whine alert]

I lead the league with 5 of those suckers now.

That's really the only thing in the scoring system that I think needs a major change. If a RP gets charged with a loss, i don't thimk he should get charged for the lown save also; It makes his negative score too high.

Trouble is, I can't think of a way to change it, except by tracking it manually.

Anyway, it was funny....I was listening to the game and after Valverde blew the save I was rooting for him to lose also, because then Sanchez would get the win and I would get an extra point out of the deal.

"Difficult....not impossible"