Sunday Scores

Powered by CC's 3 starts and -55 score, yesterday was our worst day ever for SP scores.

7 starts, -53, -7.57 FPPG, bringing our overall average down to 8.32 FPPG.

That makes 47 starts and only 146 points, an average of 3.11 FPPG over the last 5 days since our average reached its season high of 8.86 on 5/23.

With more than 1/3 of our maximum number of starts already used (501/1458, 34.4%), we have to average 9.36 FPPG the rest of the way to finish with an average of 9.00 FPPG for the season, and 10.88 FPPG the rest of the way to finish with an average of 10.0


      OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
DA     9    51      0     0      2     3       54
DB     9    36      0     0      2    10       46
TM     8    25      3    -7      2     8       26
PL     9    30      1     9      4   -15       24
JL     9    22      0     0      0     0       22
DJ     7    16      0     0      1     1       17
LZ     7    17      0     0      3    -5       13
JG     8    16      0     0      2    -6       10
CC     8    14      3   -55      3     6      -35
Current Standings
     OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
JG   439  1417     56   639    101   294     2350
JL   451  1620     61   360    110   293     2273
TM   405  1480     61   581     94   198     2259
PL   433  1583     56   469    111   192     2244
DB   429  1756     53   184    112   236     2176
DJ   410  1400     55   601     40   108     2109
DA   377  1408     48   514     87   150     2072
CC   423  1461     72   398     93    86     1945
LZ   395  1322     37   428     57   109     1859
Sunday's Best & Worst

Renteria DA 16

Valverde PL -18

"Difficult....not impossible"