Originally posted by Tony Mosrite:
that's what I deserve. I just ruined the whole season for this fuckin' game.
Calm down, Tony (Cain - 42 points on the bench ).

It's only a game (Cain - 42 points on the bench). Nothing to get so upset about (Cain - 42 points on the bench ).

I don't know why you picked up Blanton, though, a guy that I waived.

In this game, starting pitching being at the premium that it is (Cain - 42 points on the bench ), if one of us is cutting a guy you gotta figure he stinks.

As far as playing two pitchers who are facing each other goes (Cain - 42 points on the bench ), there's nothing wrong with that (Cain - 42 points on the bench).

If you get a good pitcher's duel, and the guy who is on the losing end manages not to get charged with the loss (Cain - 42 points on the bench ), you could wind up doing great, altho that's not what happened in this case (Cain - 42 points on the bench ).

That's because you benched one of them, and in this case the wrong one.

I guess you noticed that Cain racked up 42 points today, but you had him on your bench, huh?

"Difficult....not impossible"