well, JG, the only thing is that Rauch did not earn a hold. box score

there is one single thing about the scoring system that bothers me though. my experience in these draft games is zero so I'm not saying we should change the system or anything, but I don't like the fact that a SP usually either: a) scores 20+ pts, or b) scores sub 10 or even negative pts and blows you - it is very rare (at least that I noticed) a pitcher have a "so-so" performance, like Smolt'z 13 fan pts for me wednesday.
maybe we could credit the winning pitcher with less pts and do not credit the losing pitcher with anything (like in the salary cap game) since he is already being charged with the heavy minus points of the runs he is allowing to make his team lose. I say that because it's being too heaven or hell for our pitchers. you average 10 fan pts per start, but yout pitcher rarely scores 10 pts. he either scores 30 or -10.

[edit] that would also help the case of the relievers that get charged with both a BS and a L [/edit]

just a thought.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk