Addition By Subtraction

If ever there was proof of that famous phrase.....

Look at the Dontrelle Willis for John Patterson deal between PL and CC.

The very day after the deal is made Patterson goes on the Disabled List.
Couldn't escape the curse tonight, though.

It really is amazing.

I mean, it's not like you have a bunch of slouches on your team.

OK, so there's no Carpenter or Schilling or other superstar, but the guys you have are all supposed to at least be decent.

Who would've ever guessed that after so many starts you'd still be deep in the minus column?

BELIEVE ME, I feel your pain.

Are my SPs so much better than yours that the same thing couldn't have happened to me?

How does the saying go?

"There but for the grace of God go I"?

"Difficult....not impossible"