Thursday Scores

      OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
PL     4    18      1    25                    43
CC     6    25                   2     7       32
JL     6    21                   1     4       25
DA     1     2      1    21                    23
LZ     2    13                   1     7       20
JG     3     9                                  9
TM     2     3                                  3
DJ     6    11                   1    -10       1
DB     4    10      1   -23      2      8      -5
Current Standings
     OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
CC   183   727     33   329     48    16     1072
PL^  189   747     26   205     44    89     1041
JL   189   671     29   210     56   147     1028
TM   170   621     21   247     42   123      991
JG   190   583     26   276     44   124      983
DB   184   806     23    -6     53    77      877
DJ   175   633     24   202     20    29      864
LZ   176   616     15   202     22    22      840
DA   155   571     21   126     38    46      743
When Allowing 6 Runs In A Game
Previous   Yest   Total   Losing %
 19-41      0-2   19-43    .694
Yesterday's Best & Worst Performances
                       Best                Worst
                     Starting             Starting
Hitting              Pitching             Pitching
  None                 None              Beckett -23
After our starting pitching reached a FFPG high of 8.44 following the games of 4/24, we've gone three days, with 25 starts producing only 144 points, an average of 5.76, dropping our average to 8.14 FPPG.

"Difficult....not impossible"