Wednesday Scores

      OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
DB     9    45      1    22      3    -7       60
JG     9    25      2    27      2     6       58
LZ     7    31      1    22      0     0       53
TM     9    33      0     0      4    18       51
DJ     9    39      1    -4      1     1       36
DA     6    35      0     0      3    -1       34
PL     7    25      2    -6      4     8       27
CC     8    27      2    -6      1     3       24
JL     9    25      1    -1      2    -2       22
Current Standings
     OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
CC   177   702     33   329     46     9     1040
JL   183   650     29   210     55   143     1003
PL   185   729     25   180     44    89      998
TM   168   618     21   247     42   123      988
JG   187   574     26   276     44   124      974
DB^  180   796     22    17     51    69      884
DJ   169   622     24   202     19    39      863
LZ   174   603     15   202     21    15      820
DA   154   569     20   105     38    46      720
When Allowing 6 Runs In A Game
Previous   Yest   Total   Losing %
 19-40      0-1   19-41    .683
In an effort to have a compilation at the end of the season of (roughly) the Top 100 individual hitting and starting pitching performances, and the worst 100 starting pitching performances, I figured that the cut-off point will be offensive games of 15 points or more, pitching starts of 30 points or more, and for the worst, starting pitching performances of -20 or more.

Here's where we stand as of this morning. Every day I'll note any previous day's performances which make the list, and on Mondays post the complete list.

One of these days, BTW, I'll get around to the "Worst Relief Pitching Performances". All those -20s and worse can make a big difference at the end, especially if one of us gets stuck with a disproportionate number of them.

(Note: I am only including games in which the player was in his team's starting lineup)

Best & Worst Performances
                       Best                Worst
                     Starting             Starting
Hitting              Pitching             Pitching
Pujols   4-16   22   Smoltz    4-15  39   Colon      4-09   -28 
Soriano  4-22   21   Patterson 4-15  38   Zito       4-03   -27
I Rod    4-05   19   Blanton   4-07  35   Peavy      4-09  -27
Pujols   4-03   17   Oswalt    4-03  34   Westbrook  4-09  -27
Hafner   4-07   17   Carpenter 4-19  34   Sosa       4-06  -26
Wells    4-07   17   Lackey    4-26  34   Chen       4-18  -26
Utley    4-14   17   Schilling 4-14  33   R. Johnson 4-18  -25
Giambi   4-23   17   Martinez  4-23  33   Garland    4-07  -24
C. Lee   4-18   16   Maddux    4-17  32   Garcia     4-04  -24
Glaus    4-18   16   Contreras 4-17  32   Pettitte   4-04  -23
Matsui   4-07   15   Bonderman 4-05  30   Blanton    4-19  -23
Guerrero 4-16   15   Harden    4-09  30   Hudson     4-08  -22 
A. Jones 4-18   15   Glavine   4-14  30
Ensberg  4-18   15   Buehrle   4-22  30
Mench    4-22   15 
Just curious, BTW.....

I'll probably continue doing this kind of stuff since I enjoy doing is for myself, but does anyone read it or care?

"Difficult....not impossible"