Many thanks to CC for almost single-handedly destroying the collective progress made by our SPs in pulling up their FPPG average, as her "Big Unit" Randy Johnson (-26), and hometwon hero Bruce Chen (-25) managed to turn in the 4th and 5th worst scores by a starting pitcher all season, with both on the same day no less.

Tuesday Scores

      OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
DB     9    50      0     0      2     9       59
DJ     9    32      1    21      0     0       53
JG     9    29      1     9      3    11       49
PL     9    37      0     0      2     8       45
TM     5    20      0     0      3    21       41
JL     8    28      2    11      0     0       39
LZ     8    31      0     0      1     3       34
DA     7    15      0     0      3     5       20
CC     9    24      3   -49      1     0      -25
Current Standings
     OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS     Total
PL^  127   543     16   155     28   27       725
TM   116   439     15   190     30   73       702
CC   118   481     16   206     29   11       698
JL   120   464     20   114     33   91       669
JG   121   360     18   170     28   93       623
DB   119   554     14   -15     32   31       570
DJ^  113   397     16    98     13   18       513
DA   112   420     14    15     23   59       494
LZ   110   335     10   119     16   17       471
When Allowing 6 Runs In A Game
Previous   Yest   Total   Losing %
 13-23      1-0   14-23    .621

"Difficult....not impossible"