Wednesday Scores

      OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS    Total
TM     9    38      1    27      3    14       79
DJ     8    36      1    25      0     0       61
CC     7    37      3    21      0     0       58
JL     9    37      0     0      3    13       50
JG     9    32      0     0      2    10       42
PL     9    33      0     0      4     8       41
DA     8    22      1     7      1     3       32
DB     7    26      0     0      1     2       28
LZ     7    20      0     0      1     1       21
Current Standings
     OPU  OPTS    SPU  SPTS    RPU  RPTS     Total
CC^   71   334     12   118     21    15      467
PL    76   331     10    93     19    28      452
TM    71   257     11   106     16    65      428
JG    73   218     11   115     15    57      390
JL    71   286     11    20     22    56      362
DA    71   256     11    22     14    36      314
DB    71   295      9   -17     20    25      303
LZ    69   202      7    55      8     8      265
DJ    68   222      9    28      8     0      250
Starting pitching statistics, as expected, continue to improve.

Since our low point on the morning of 4/5, when we had gone through 26 starts for 65 Fantasy Points - an averge of 2.50 FPPG, we've had 65 starts, averaging 7.31 FPPG over that stretch.

Moreover, in our last 44 starts, we've averaged 8.61 FPPG, all of which has brought our overall average up to a more respectable (but still pretty low) 5.93.

What I expect will happen - as we continue to tweak our rosters by adding SPs who are doing well and dropping those who are turning out to be bombs, and as blue-chippers like Santana (to name only one) straighten themselves out and start scoring as we know that they will - is that our FPPG average per start will settle in somewhere at around 11-12 or so, which lends credence to JG's comment early on, when he said after DB's whine about Oliver Perez' 16 ("Arrrggghhh, friggin' Pirates bullpen....if Perez had gotten the win....")

"16 gonna be a great line this year with our scoring, I think."

Maybe not "great", which looks like it will be somewhere in the high 20's and above (we've had 5 games of 27 or better so far; let's not throw around the term "great" too loosely here), but certainly a total that anyone will be able to live with on any given day.

"Difficult....not impossible"