Well, I just looked at the boxscore, and Qualls was officially charged with a blown save and a loss, so I guess that part of it is fair.

Not to re-open the whole argument again....But if the average closer saves about 85% of the games he has the opportunity to save - regardless of whether or not the saves are "cheap" - no matter what value we placed on a save, I'd want the value of the blown save to be such that his net +/- would be around zero if he only saved, say, 75% of the games he had the chance to.

When a RP blows a save and then vultures the win, he doesn't get "full" credit for the win because his points are offset by the minus for blowing the save which is, I think, as it should be.

But when he blows a save and takes the loss, it's like he's getting charged double, which seems unfair somehow.

That's what I think the "flaw" is.

However, all of that said, if you look at all of the losses taken by RPs last season that also involved a blown save, I'd bet it didn't happen all that often.

Maybe I'll do a little research into that question tomorrow.

Bottom line, of course, since it was reflected in last year's scoring totals when it did happen.....

"Difficult....not impossible"