Burgos got 4 points for a 1-2-3 inning and a strikeout.

Wagner got 5 for his inning, and the save. His strikeout was offset by the hit he gave up.

You're doing what JG did: Using one game as an example.

Talk to me when Wagner "saves" a game with a 1-2-3 inning and gets 2 strikeouts in a game with a 3 run lead and gets 7 points, or after a game where he blows a save and vultures a win and gets even more than 7 points, and compare that to a game where a middle reliever pitches a 1-2-3 inning with no strikeouts, keeps his team in a game they are losing 2-1, watches his team get the win in extra innings for another pitcher, gets only 3 points, and tell me who was more valuable that day or who did more to help his team win and who deserved more points, and tell me there was nothing wrong with that.

No system is perfect, and there will always be some inequities if you compare individual games.

So I'll say it yet again:

Look at the scoring from last year and the proportions between the hitters and starters and relievers, and tell me what looks out of whack.

If the worst thing anyone can say is that a closer with 30 saves should have gotten 30 more points, then I would say that the scoring system is pretty good.

"Difficult....not impossible"