since i'm a graphic artist, i use rubber cement, which is the same crap they use to stick the ad on the box.

Well, one simple solution is using rubber cement remover. I also had trouble taking the glue off, and there was a lot of it left. I tired rrubbing it off, but it just smeared the cement all over, so I got some Bestine Solvent and Thinner. I lightly dabbed it on the glue, came right off

don't rub, just dab the solvent, and it'll come out, no color fades, no nothing.

Bestine solvent and thinner. Most art stores sell it.

That should help for everyone

Take Care
Don Crazyman

"Tonight, The Crazyman family settles its accounts. Monkey and Strawboy, those lil amatuer artist f*cks. they've been screwing with us since the beginning. F*ck'em.
Izabela, my ex-g/f, Tracey will pay her a visit, at her home.
Ruben, take a train to Holman, light a candle for professor Nyman."