Originally posted by Owen:
i was looking at the annoying sticker on my godfather boxset again today and so i tryed to slowly peel it off (for the second time) leaving as little glue residue as i could. after i had removed the paper completly i rubbed the glue smudge in a sirculur motion untill it rolled up into big globs that i could then peel off. this proccess took me a total of one hour and eighteen minutes, but anyway [b]I GOT IT OFF!! thats right, it IS possible, i suggest you people try the same, it makes it look as good as new. good luck! [/b]
YEAH! Tonight i did the same thing, i peeled off the ad slowly, it left two batches of glue residue, so then i got some eye make up remover from my sister, and it helped me smudge the glue off easier. then because i used the eye make up remover, it made the parts a little liter, so then i got some black shoe polish (no kidding) put some on and buffed it with a cloth. i did it to both sides of the dvd set, MAKES IT NICE AND SHINY, NO JOKE I SWEAR. just use regular shoe polish that you have to buff. NOW MY COLLECTION LOOKS SOO NICE!!! it looks so nice, that i changed its position and put it on top of my stereo along with scarface dvd. !!!