Alright, maybe the pics I posted of Mary Pierce are not the best photos she has taken. However, I still maintain that Mary Pierce is hottt in her own way, plus she was born in Montreal and that means something, to me at least. However I maintain that my taste in women is nothing short of impeccable. If you care to dispute this please check out my posts in the "female hotties" thread and where ever else I may have taken the opportunity to post pictures of beautiful women. Having said this if anyone on here does know of a service that deals in mail order brides and can set the whole thing up, please do let me know either through a p.m., email, or publicly. We can discuss the details of the trade and whatnot at a time to be decided after I look at several nude and non nude pictures of the mail order bride. :p

Oh yeah, not for nothing, but Don Malta, I don't recall you posting too many pics in the "female hotties" or "fellas" threads. What gives bro? :p