Originally posted by Just Lou:
Hey PL.... Just confirm this now. Once our teams are drafted, they'll be no changing of the scoring system. I'm going to be drafting based on the way you have it set-up. Definitely not how I'll be doing it in other leagues. I don't want any "tweaks", especially to the pitching values, after our teams are picked.
Originally posted by J Geoff:
There will not (read: better not) be any "tweaks" to scoring, unless unanimously voted upon, after the draft.

But why? What hole did you find to take advantage of?? Feel free to PM me with that info....
Aw shucks.

You guys caught me.

I was planning to change the whole thing around depending on who I wound up with in the draft. :rolleyes:

Frankly, I find the implication involved in the idea that you would even suggest the possibility that I might do something like that to be somewhat insulting.

The implication that either I would change something to benefit myself, or that I would be so stupid as to change something after everyone drafted based on the system that was already in place.

"Difficult....not impossible"