I'm not allowed to view your screen shot cause I'm not in the league.

Congrats to the Buffster for being on top of all those guys. As Sicilian Babe's daughter says, "Chicks rule and boys drool".

I'm pretty sure we're playing both ESPN and Yahoo here. We'll probably do the Salary Cap game too. Is this the ESPN game here? Listen to me talking, someone who has no idea what Uber points are. There's so many darn games going on I can't keep track. Next I'll expect to see a thread on cock fighting. Wait, there is one in The General Section isn't there?

But I'm sure if the Buffster told these lads what game you'll be interest in playing they'll be all too happy to set it up.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.