You won't really be be "penalized", you'll be getting extra points that day from your starter.

But over the course of the season, every closer makes about 70 appearances or so, so it should even out.

If there's a team whose starters have a tendency to pitch a lot more CGs, then it might be a valid strategy decision to stay away from that team's closer, sure.

But that info is there in last year's scoring totals coupled with your opinions about what will happen this year.

And BTW, altho the value of a win is +6 and a save is +8, keep in mind that Save Opportunities are -4, and losses are -6.

So the net difference between Wins and Losses is worth +6 each, and the net difference between Saves and Blown Saves is worth only only +4 each, so "Net" Saves are not worth more points than "Net" Wins.

True, the total number of points earned by a reliever for his net saves will typically be greater than the total number of points earned by a starter for his net wins, but the two are two completely different categories.

RPs get a lot more save opportunites than SPs get starts, and convert a higher percentage of them to saves than starters convert their opportunities to wins.

That's just the way baseball is today. I can't change that.

"Difficult....not impossible"