Good news, players.....

Yahoo now has available (at least I think that they just became available; I'm pretty sure that they weren't there the last time I looked, but I could be wrong) last season's player stats for both hitters and pitchers in our league's format.

Click on your team, then on "Players", then use the "2005 Season Totals" filter, then click on the last column, “Fan Pts”, to put the plaeys in order based on their point totals in our scoring system as it is presently set up.

Accordingly, I'd like to settle all of our "Open Questions" ASAP.

Which brings to mind the following:

If we add a +1 for each "Game Played" for a pitcher so everyone can track their 162 game max for starters on their own, that will add another 30 points or so to the value of a closer over that of a starting pitcher.

So I'm thinking that maybe we should reduce the value of a save from +6 to +3, and the value of a save opportunity from -3 to -1.5, and maybe reduce the value of wins and loses to +4 and -4, respectively.

"Difficult....not impossible"