Ok, Chris Paul was better than Charlie Villanueva last night and The Hornets won. Villanueva had 25 Points, 1 Block Shot, 2 Assists and 18 Rebounds for a double double. Chris Paul had 24 P, 1 B, 2 S, 12 A and 12 R for a triple double. However, Chris Paul's high game this season was 28 Points and Charlie V.'s was 48 Points. Also Charlie V. brings more to a team and I still think that he should win the R.O.Y. but they will give it to Paul anyway.

I don't want Detroit to win the championship but they beat Phoenix last night and I don't think that Philadelphia, Cleveland or Miami will be able to stop them in the East. The winner in the West will most likely be Phoenix, San Antonio, Dallas and The Lakers as a long shot pick. None of these teams at this moment look like they can stop The Pistons who are 59 - 14! There is still time though.