Yeah Villanueva had a rough night, he'll rebound against the Hornets tmmw. Pape Sow had an amazing (by his standards so far) game though and if he keeps improving he could be a force. Yeah our defense has been terrible at best and downright objectionable and worthy of great contempt at worst all season. Even if you score 126 points it doesn't mean anything if you give up 140. Defense, defense, defense! Sam Mitchell's gotta teach these kids that when you don't have the ball you gotta play your man. Wow, yeah, I didn't realize The Brazilian had a great game 28 Points, 3 Assists and 3 Rebounds. Maybe he could have a chat with Rafael "The Big Useless" Araujo and give him a good old Portuguese pep talk, or just smack some sense into his thick skull. Araujo man, whatta disappointment!!